Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kodak Memories: Close to home

It has been an innately odd day. I could not quite place my finger on why. Then, having seen the news about once mighty Kodak’s filing for Chapter 11 protection and it hit me: this must be at least part of the reason for this minor funk.

The one of my four grandparents that I did not know as well as I would have liked (he passed when I was quite young, as was he, relatively), my grandfather Bruce was a Kodak inventor in its glory days of at least the first half of this century. I understand that he even earned at least one Academy Award for his accomplishments with Kodak. And we are fortunate to have home movies that include my father - now 77 - as a crawling baby. Home movies from the 1930's and 1940’s: maybe I am delusional, but that seems like a rather rare gem to have.

My grandfather with his three children, including my father, one Christmas morning in the 1940's.
(screen capture from one of the wonderful home movies)

Anyway, art is in my blood and I would be remiss without crediting my grandfather for having influence in my photographic endeavors. Nature versus nuture, indeed…

Aside from a brief mid-90’s foray into Polaroid, all of my cameras were Kodak, even my first digital in 2005.

As I made the decision to upgrade the tools or my art, I migrated first to Canon and then settled into my ongoing affection for Nikon.

But we will always have the lasting memories and inspirations of countless snapshots of family moments, large and small, embossed on Kodak Paper with its inimitable fragrance – especially as the paper aged from years in storage.

Wherever the corporation may stand today, I thank Kodak for its effect on so many lives. And I want to offer special thanks to my father’s father, whose memories live on thanks to his connection to the house that George Eastman built.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Going Black in Protest of Censorship

Today thousands of sites will do dark protest SOPA and PIPA, two bills racing through the United States Congress that threaten prosperity, online security and freedom of expression.

This blogger proudly Joins This Day Long Strike And Will Go Black for the day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

DavidMixner.com: Canada Celebrates Huge Victory Over United States!

DavidMixner.com: Canada Celebrates Huge Victory Over United States!

Works in Progess, Un: Patience

Eight years on (our first acquaintance) and this weekend found this subject and I embarking on a new collaboration.

Here's a first peek.

Where will this project lead? Not sure - if you have any ideas, feel free to share. Collaboration feeds inspiration.

Stay tuned...

Monday, January 16, 2012

In honor of Reverend King's spirit, I borrow from my friend, David Mixner: Honor Dr. Martin Luther King By Reminding Ourselves Of Poverty In America

Honor Dr. Martin Luther King By Reminding Ourselves Of Poverty In America

As we honor the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King this day we should remember that in his last days he undertook the mantle of erasing poverty from America. He was in Memphis to help sanitation workers earn a living wage when he was assassinated on the balcony of his motel. At the same time he was organizing a "Poor People's March on Washington."

Today we face a nation that has more poor people than any time since the Great Depression. Almost 15 million of our children go to bed hungry every night. As more people struggle, the Republicans want to cut their unemployment checks, their food stamps and their ability to survive. People who have dreamed of owning their own homes and finally achieved that dream are losing them - 7% of Americans have lost their homes to the banks.

The best way to honor Dr. Martin Luther King? Fight on!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

More Dave Koz & Friends

As promised, here is another round of images from December's "Dave Koz & Friends" tour.

The interplay of musicians Dave Koz, Candy Dulfer, Rick Braun, and Jonathan Butler - along with DK bandmates Randy Jacobs and Brian Simpson, among them - is evident in these moments.

And the multimedia-screens of the set, combined with the lighting, gave the staging as much of a featured role as the performers.

 Audience and performances meshed, making for a truly amazing and entertaining evening.
Kudos and special thanks to Dave Koz, his team, and his friends!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

From "The Randy Report": Darren Criss takes his first bow on Broadway in "How To Succeed"

Via THE RANDY REPORT: Darren Criss on Broadway

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Darren Criss takes his first bow on Broadway in "How To Succeed"

DTG says:
Hindsight & Timing, my friends: If Broadway producers are seeing green now over Darren Criss's taking over for Daniel Radcliffe in HTSIBWRT, imagine the Cash Cow if he'd assumed the role in EQUUS!

Photo puns, Take 1

This morning finds me in a bit of a rush, so I am trying out a little "photo pun."

Can anyone decipher the phrase represented here?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gaga over this Little Lady & her family

If you can remove yourself momentarily from the current cold snap that is gripping the East Coast, you may recall that up until now we have experienced a very mild couple of months. The warmer than usual November and December afforded me more opportunities to create more outdoor portraits than expected.

This recent shoot of a young family included their two gorgeous girls. 
We found an open soccer field with a playground and let the toddler, older sister guide us. 

We found an open soccer field with a playground and let the toddler, older sister guide us.